Friday, July 11, 2008

A Fresh Start

Well my computer crashed a few weeks ago and I lost alot of projects I was working on. I'm still trying to short everything out to see what I backed up and whats gone. I do plan to start coming up with designs what I get my new computer up and running.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Si-fi Pedestal

Today I was messing around in Constructor with some shapes & textures trying to find ways of making different shapes & this is what came out. To me it looked kinda Si-fi with the metals & stuff. When it's in-game I plan to have a glowing orb float above the top.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Torque Constructor

Some of you may have been wondering what software I'm using to create the models you see here on the blog. For those who are curious & have been wanting to try it out I have been using Torque Constructor to create only the models. Torque Constructor is a great way to make gaming models easy & fast. It may take sometime to learn how to use it but there are many tutorials out there on the web that can give you the basic info you'll need to get started. One of the best things about Torque Constructor is that it's FREE to download!

You can take a look at there website here at;

*NOTE; Torque Constructor is only designed for you to make game models & not a game itself. If you are wanting to make a game you could take a look at Torque Game Builder(Great 2D game engine for beginers), Torque Game Engine, or Torque Game Engine Advanced at

Friday, March 14, 2008

Just A Quick Post

It has been awhile since I have last posted & I'm just informing you that "yes I'm still here" & that I havent gave up on my blog. I havent been able to work on any project because my computer is running very slow & I am waiting for some RAM I ordered to get here so I can try & speed up my computer some what. I am still going to try & get my Aircraft Hanger finished up soon & show that to you soon. I am also working on different ideas for my game. Well thats all for now!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Old Shed

The past few days I've been working on an old beat-up looking shed thats falling apart & stuff. I'm trying to make old rustic stuff for like areas that would be good for a FPS or an RPG. Putting it together was the easy part, the hard part was the textures. I really cant say it was hard, but it was a long tedious(excuse spelling) process that took hours. But I'm pretty motavated at this kind of stuff to go on! I am also working on finishing up the Aircraft Hanger(kinda) & should have that blog up in a couple of days! For now heres 2 pics of the shed!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Aircraft Hanger

I've been working on this for the past few days & thought I should post a new entry about it. This aricraft hanger is one of the biggest buildings I've built so far. I spent all day today putting some textures on it to finally bring it to life. I am still not done putting in the textures quit yet. As you can see the windows still need some work. I plan to ad some support beams on the ceiling, & put an airplane in there and some tools, supplies & junk to make it more authentic. I'm still not sure what plane to put in there tho, what would you guys like to see in it?

Here are some pics on it.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Orc Hut Concept Model

Here is a concept model I made of a Hut/House type thing with Torque Constructor. I am most likely to update this model as time goes on. When its finished it will most likely be in my game. So tell me what you think, do you like it?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Animator & Gamer, John "NitoRPG" Durbin

Hi! I'm John Durbin, a.k.a. NitoRPG in the online comunity, & I'm a animator & a gamer. I love playing MMOGs & consle games & I'm also in the works of creating my own MMO! I will be posting here about concept models I make & develope for my game!

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to e-mail me at