Friday, February 8, 2008

Old Shed

The past few days I've been working on an old beat-up looking shed thats falling apart & stuff. I'm trying to make old rustic stuff for like areas that would be good for a FPS or an RPG. Putting it together was the easy part, the hard part was the textures. I really cant say it was hard, but it was a long tedious(excuse spelling) process that took hours. But I'm pretty motavated at this kind of stuff to go on! I am also working on finishing up the Aircraft Hanger(kinda) & should have that blog up in a couple of days! For now heres 2 pics of the shed!


Anonymous said...

Very nice looking DIF models! Would be interested to know how many textures you're using on a model like that?!

NitoRPG said...

Hey thanks! I only used four textures on this model. ;^)